Most Advanced Study Material
Our study material comprises of comprehensive theory, ample illustration & three – four problem exercises for adequate practice, supplemented by DPPs (Daily Practice Problems).
Our study material comprises of comprehensive theory, ample illustration & three – four problem exercises for adequate practice, supplemented by DPPs (Daily Practice Problems).
We keep a batch size of 25-35 students for Silex to Xceed (6th to 10th), 60-70 for Elevator (11th) and Trailblazer (12th) and 80-90 in Performer (12th passed) as compared to average batch size of 200-300 students in other coaching hubs.
We work hard to get the best out of your child’s potential by providing extra classes, clearing doubts, motivation & counseling. Instead of pressurizing the students, we lead them to enjoy their preparations
The comfort and proximity of family care is a big plus for the rigorous preparation of NEET and IIT-JEE as opposed to being the chaos of cramped student settlements in other coaching hubs. It’s a common occurrence that students succumb to the stress of living in these places.